Sunday, April 17, 2005

Maybe I should join the circus

There are a lot of things going on in my head all the time.

I don't think this is uncommon. It happens to all of us pretty much
all the time.

Pay the Cable bill.
Pay the VISA bill.
Pay the Power bill.
Balance the Checkbook.
Do the dishes.
Fill the gas tank.
Figure out what to make for dinner.
Lose some weight.
Keep my job.
Find a new job.
Do the laundry.
Get the mail.
Don't tailgate that car.
Do I have bad breath?
Get Labiaplasty.
Do I have enough vacation?
etc etc etc

A zillion little nagging questions and subjects are in orbit around us
all the time.
If I give each of these things equal weight all the time then I would
go into brain lock or become one of those people walking down the
street muttering all the time.

To be a juggler, you have to be compentent at handling multiple things
at once. How well you do this depends on a few things:

How many things are there?
What is the weight of each object?
How fast are my reflexes?

You don't start juggling by throwing 20 things in the air and just
going at it. There has to be a plan.

A couple things help.

One is grouping. Bills and expenses can usually fit into one
category. If you had 10 light expense related things though, suddenly
the group has a lot more weight.

Another is immediacy. If you don't react to something immediately
then it is over with. Don't hit that car in front of you on the

Some things don't need to be in the mix at all. Those we can put off
for a bit. It is far easier to juggle 5 things than 12.

I think taking things out of the mix is key. Deal with the little
stuff so you won't worry about it. Get the out of the picture. If
that late fee at Blockbuster has been popping up in your head a lot
then just PAY THE THING.

Sometimes life can seem pretty overwhelming. There is everything in
the world to worry about and you have no idea where to start. Maybe
you can't even identify everything you are worrying about. I
recommend this: Find the things you CAN identify and deal with them.
Pull it out of the cloud of worry over your head. When you do that
then eventually something else will coalesce out of your stress and
you can deal with that. Eventually things can get manageable.

Anyway, that's the philosophy of the moment.