Tuesday, March 22, 2005



n 1: a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without
showing fear [syn: courage, courageousness] [ant: cowardice] 2: feeling no fear [syn: fearlessness] [ant: fear]

Is it brave to transition? I suppose it depends on your personal definition of pain.

pain = Lifetime of being forced into a mold that you don't fit into.

pain = Physical deterrant. Nerve stimulus often resulting from injury.

pain = Emotional distress.

Do we risk physical pain? Yes, we do. There is always the possibility of someone figuring out our 'function' and motivating us to rethink it. Or, worse, trying to erase us from existence.

Do we risk emotional pain? Sure. We run the risk of rejection by everyone we know and everyone we may come to know.

I can never think of transition as brave. I did not see a viable option. Bravery for some is to NOT transition - to maintain the statis quo. At least you know where you stand if you don't transition, right?

Except that many would actually be dead.

I wasn't strong enough not to transition. I was weak. I hurt people...well...ONE person.

I was lucky. I didn't lose much.