Wednesday, November 30, 2005

There are better things to talk about

I have had friends that, after years of knowing them, I have been outed to (wow, awkward sentence much?).
Rewrite that, I will.
There are people that I have known for years.  I would consider them friends.  After those years, someone has told them of my history.
Jeepers, the cat is out of the bag (also a strange saying, but I digress).  Friendship over, right?
It didn't matter.  Our friendship remains.  But the subject NEVER comes up.  If it did, we would talk about it but I think that we all agree that it would be opening a can of worms (cliche AGAIN) that would just be strange to talk about.
It's probably best that we keep the subject of how our genitalia changed from year to year to ourselves.  (But maybe that is just me).