Friday, December 02, 2005

Hide from the storm

Yesterday was blustery, high winds and constant sheets of rain.

It is also my one free night of the week. Every other evening is accounted for so Thursday is the night where I can do what I want.

For the last week I have been begging my friends to see 'Rent'. I never saw it on stage but I knew I really liked the music and the story was based on La Boheme and it had something to do with people living with AIDS.

Everyone I asked refused, rather bluntly. Their excuses were varied and imaginative ( "I really HATE that song they keep singing!" was a favorite of mine). So, if I was going to see it at all before throwing on my Netflix list I had to go alone.

I did.

I loved it. During the second half I could not stop weeping.

Mock me if you will but you HAVE to see this movie.