Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Yes. But...

There are some basic rules in improvisation.  One of them can be summed up by two simple words:
"Yes. But...."
When a circumstance is given within the context of the scene.  It is accepted.   It becomes 'canon'.  Otherwise the scene can devolve into the Monty Python "I've come to have an argument" sketch.
"I've come to have an argument."
"No, you haven't"
"Yes, I have."
"No, you haven't!"
and on and on.
You see, there are ground rules for these worlds we create.  The main difference is that we are writing much of the world on the fly.  You don't have to dwell on the new facts - they are just there.
I'll never be a great actress.  That really isn't where my passion lay.  But I do try to collect experiences and try to get something out of them.
Accept and move forward.
Yes. But....