Monday, January 24, 2005


Every few months I have a tendency to go into hermit mode. I hole up
in the internet and mainly deal with people from the safety of

So, every few months, I have to force myself into something new. The
new de-hermitification this time? Drama.

I am taking a drama class. I am a little different from most of the
other students. (No, not that. They don't know. Give me some

I am quite a bit older. Technically, most of the people in the class
could be my kids (age wise). (The way I say this leads to another
subject - see later*)

I have a real problem with vocal projection. Problem is defined as
not being able to project my voice without it going into a scary

Something to work on anyway.

It looks like fun. I am a little nervous.

*later - I try to tell the truth. When I and someone else have an age
difference such that I would be old enough to be their parent I say
"You are young enough to be my kid." instead of "I could be your

I couldn't be their mother (without adoption anyway).

I could say:
"I am old enough to be your mother."

It gets into that whole
tell-the-truth-selectively-to-lead-to-an-erroneous-conclusion thing.
I hate doing it but I am good at it.
