Saturday, January 29, 2005

Saturday Morning with Jim

I am finally falling back into a workout routine again.

The last year has played havoc with my body (the holiday was dangerous (in a culinary sense)).

So, here I am 30 pounds heavier than I was at this time last year. EEEEEP!

The weird thing is the fact that many my clothes still fit.

The weirder thing is that fact that I now have hips and a rear.

A couple of years ago I was terrified to go to the gym. If my history was discovered I expected one or all of the following:

1. "What were you doing in that locker room? My GIRLFRIEND was in there...naked!" (this is followed by a pummeling by the offended muscle-monkey)

2. "We have to ask you not to use the facilities here."

3. "Your membership has been cancelled."

4. "Hey, look over there - the FREAK."

None of these things happened (happily). No one gives me a 2nd glance in the locker room. The muscle-monkeys are just so darn HELPFUL ("No really, I was putting that on the machine so I could lift it. You don't have to do it for me.").

I like the gym. I really do. Now if I could just get the weight off.