Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Secret Keeper

(Not quite the Harry Potter reference)

Instead this is more advice about transition.

Transition can be a wonderful/terrifying/harrowing/funny time. Wow, the stories you will accrue on this journey! It's natural to want to share these amazing insights with your friends, your family, people at parties, etc. The main idea being is that you will stop talking about this eventually and everyone else should too.

The stories are good, too good. The amazing insights do not want to be contained. So they are revisited from time to time. This, in turn, reminds all around you (and you) of your special journey.

Now the phrase I will get the most heat for: SHUT IT

Okay, that is harsh. What I am really saying is limit the range of who you talk to about this. In face to face contact limit it to just 1-3 people - your SECRET KEEPERS. Eventually, let the conversations on your transition take a backseat with these people as well. This can limit the damage. Let Mary Ellen in your Chem class, who knows of your transition, just see you without this transition baggage. Sure, keep your best friend aware of the strangeness of buttoning shirts on the opposite side but try to keep it there but those others needn't know that it is anything to be of interest.

If someone asks for information about things, share if you want. Avoid the questions if you want. Feign a lack of language skills if you want. But, keep in mind, that information travels and after it is out there it is very hard to control.