Monday, April 24, 2006

All Systems....

Where have I been?
As usual, I am still here.  I have had nothing angsty to write.  There have been no highs or lows.  Essentially, my existence has been event-free.
In short - boring.
I'll try to dredge for details.
I hit a decade mark, one of those annoying benchmarks with a zero at the end.  As I do each year, I scheduled appointments with my Doctors for a yearly physical.  Everything is fine.  I am heavier than I like but..well....duh.
I went back to the endocrinologist.  We discussed putting me on the patch and we did try it.  To be honest I liked the medicine that way but hated the application method.  I am apparently allergic to the adhesive so each week when I put a new one on, I would have a new irritated red area in the shape of the previous patch that would NOT GO AWAY.
I tried the creams he told me to try and he wanted to go to something stronger to deal with the side effects of the medicine change.   A few days ago I finally vetoed the patch and went back to pills.  I think it is silly to have to be cured from the medicine you are taking if you don't have to.
I am annoyed at the health care system.  The endo also scheduled bloodwork for me and, in that bloodwork, he put in a PSA. The PSA is a test to see how your prostate is doing.  So I had to deal with the lab techs loudly saying that I don't really need that one and them pointing the screen out to one another.  Then, of course, the obligatory pronoun shift.  Needless to say, I was not happy.
Anyway, at least I am healthy.