Friday, March 10, 2006

The Hunt

I am not a serial-dater.  My romantic life seems to come and go in waves.  I get involved with wonderful men, we go out and have a nice time.  But then both of our schedules get so swamped that we just don't see each other for weeks and the whole thing just fades away.  No drama, no big break up, just the lack of continuation.
I think it's me.
I go out with friends and we go do the 'singles' thing.
It annoys me.  They want to go to bars and clubs where I have to yell to be heard (my voice does BAD things when I yell).  I am not good at small talk and I really REALLY can't dance.   Yet every time we go out, my single friends are on the 'husband hunt'.
I am going to start doing what I want to do.  My basic theory is this:
"Do what you enjoy doing.  See who else is there.  Chances are that they enjoy the same things."
It's a rough theory but I think it will pan out.
I don't have a biological clock.  I jumped out of the gene pool.  I do want to share my life with someone but at the same time I have so much I want to get done with my life OTHER than just hooking up.