Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Language Lesson

At the beginning of transition, people are hyper-sensitive.  They listen for mis-gendered pronouns.  They search for offense.  It is almost like they WANT to be offended by people.
So, a language lesson.
"You guys." - Usually said in reference to a group.  This does not mean that they believe that everyone in the group is male.  In this sense, it is the same as "All y'all" or "You'ze guys".  It refers to a group of people.  It is NOT GENDERED.
"That is a guy." - this IS GENDERED.
"Dude, you don't really mean that."  This leans towards being gendered but really is not.  Women often say this to each other (at least in this part of California).
"I think that is a dude." - this IS GENDERED.
What I am saying is do not borrow trouble.  Don't take yourself so seriously.
I know this post is basically a repeat - it beared repeating.
I know this post is basically a repeat - it beared repeating.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Have they even read it?

I don't like delving into politics.
There is all this talk about a new Constituional Amendment.  Anyway, I realized that I didn't know what all the other ones were, so I thought I would research them.
I found a copy of the Constitution at:
What is strange is that most of these are positive, giving protections and granting rights. 
A few take rights away:
If you fought against the US you can't serve in office.
You can't have booze (they rethought this one apparently).
You can't be President 3 times.
Don't you love the fact that people are trying to enshrine discrimination into the Constitution?

This one is pretty straight forward. One thing people leave out is the opportunity for a citizen to actually make amends for grievances.

This allows the right to own a gun.

          The military can't take over your house without your permission.

They can't search you without probable cause.

No double jeopardy. If they take your stuff, they have to pay you for it.

Trials are to be fast and public. You can face your accusers. Supposedly they can't lock you up and forget to start your trial.

You can have a jury of your peers (if you are dealing with something worth more than $20)

You can't be fined a billion dollars for a parking ticket. Apparently having you eaten alive by fire-ants is not acceptable either.


The RIGHTS GRANTED IN THE CONSTITUTION cannot be used to deny other peoples rights.

If it isn't specified in the Constitution, then it is a problem of the States.

I'm fuzzy on this one. It looks like the courts of one state cannot dictate to another.

The electoral college.

No more slavery.

This one has a several sections. It is kind of an interesting read.

1. If you are a born or naturalized citizen. Then you are subject to the laws of where you live. You are also allowed the protections of those laws.

2. The number of representatives for a state is dependent on a count of WHOLE people in that state minus the Indians who do not pay taxes. If men over the age of 21 are denied the ability to vote, then that number of representatives is reduced.

3. If you ever rebelled against the US, you cannot run for office. (I think this is a Confederacy thing).

4. Your Confederacy pension is still yours. But don't expect to get paid for your lost slaves.

Your right to vote does not depend on your race.

Mmmmm…income tax.

Two Senators per state, a popularity contest.


Women get the vote.

Think of this as a calendar of the school year for politicians.

That EVIL BOOZE thing? Maybe not such a great idea.

You only get two shots at being President.

Washington DC counts as a state for the Electoral College.

You don't have to pay to vote.

If the Pres goes away. Who gets the job?

If you are 18 and a citizen then you can vote.

Amendment 27 - Limiting Congressional Pay Increases

          Congress can't raise it's own pay immediately. Pay raises take effect the NEXT term.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I live.

My friends came through - big time.

My neck looks like I was both a victim of domestic violence and a failed mob hit.

So far, so good.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Frustra....an update

Another friend has come though for me and I now have a ride home from the hospital.

Blissful Unconsiousness

Sleep is a crutch.
Sleep is for the weak.
Sleep when you die.
Work til you are hungry. Eat til you are tired. Sleep until you have to go back to work.
I must not sleep.
Sleep is the mind-killer.
Sleep is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my exhaustion.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the exhaustion has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain. 
Lord, I am so tired.  How long can this go on?
(I'm tired, can you tell?)