Trust the Bed - My Holiday Analogy
I stayed at my parents house for Christmas this year. The house they live in was not my childhood home so I no longer have a dedicated room. This year I was to stay in the downstairs room on a daybed they just purchased. It's a new bed, decent mattress. It creaks a bit and the mattress tends to slip off the edge of the frame a few times during the night.
I never stayed on it before.
The relative rickety-ness of the bed left me a little tense. All night I was poised to catch myself were the bed to collapse. I moved cautiously, never quite falling into a deep sleep.
The first night I really didn't get much rest.
The second night was much the same.
By the third night I realized I was being ridiculous. If the bed fell I would get hurt whether or not I was fast asleep. So I made a decision to 'trust the bed' and you know what? The bed didn't collapse and and I slept just fine.
In my romantic life, I am cautious. I am poised to catch myself were things to collapse. I move cautiously, never quite allowing myself to trust......