Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Two planets barely running into each other still sucks

My worlds are colliding a bit and I don't like it. (A 'bit'? If two planets collide a 'bit' then it is not a big deal?).

My social life is divided into two groups, those that know my 'function' (a term I have seen used in other blogs, I kinda like it) and those who do not.

I have been very careful to try to keep these worlds separate. At the same time, my friends are my friends. There have been cases where some friends from one world meet the friends from the other. So far there have been no light-bulb-over-the-head moments. My past remains private.

Some day, however, that moment will happen. It really is a case for 'Federal Witness Protection' stealth. But, how long can I run from that moment? What does my happiness depend on?





Tasty Chocolate Treats?

Lots and lots of Money?

I suppose when I answer that, I will know. I think I need a RESET button but I don't know if I have the guts to push it.