Friday, July 22, 2005

Define, Refine, and Solar Events

It is funny how language develops around our environment. The uniqueness (or regularity) of a system shapes the words we use.

We crave depth in our understanding so we break our definitions into smaller and smaller granularity. We refine our definitions to make them more precise.

What is the old saying? Eskimo's have over 200 words for snow.

Why did we define clouds as more than just clouds? Why do we have cumulus and stratus?

We tweak the labels until each and every definition is so precise that it deny's all others.

There is a function to this parsing but, like anything, if misused it can be damaging.

Then there is the exception clause of definitions. If something is the same all the time, define the exceptions.

In California, the weather can sometimes be defined as partially cloudy.

In Washington, however, they define the weather based on sun breaks.

Once again, no point to this post.

I babble as always.