Thursday, July 14, 2005

Knife Fight!

I need to have my throat cut.

For some reason this distresses me.

My Adam's Apple is not too noticeable at the moment. You can't see it easily anyway.

But you can feel it.

It bugs me. I can retract it back flush with my throat but it takes a decent amount of effort.

I don't know when it is noticaeable and when it isn't. My Doctor called it 'the beginnings of a goiter'. She's wrong, of course. I had a facial a few months ago and I found it disconcerting as she touched that area.

Don't even get me started on the dating aspects.

I am worried about a scar. How do I explain THAT one? What if I lose my voice?

Knife fight? Bondage accident? A really accurate cat-scratch?

I'm going to do it but it makes me nervous.

At the moment it is going to be my reward for getting down to my goal weight at WW.

I've lost 18 pounds so far BTW. Yay!