Friday, July 08, 2005


I was supposed to have suffered. In theory I was abused as a child. The trauma from that abuse is what led me to this insane road of transition.

I wasn't abused. I have (and had) a loving family. They are wonderful people, though we are a little weird. We fought from time to time, which families do. But isn't part of being a family the comfort to challenge each other? To be ticked at each other? To not worry that the fight will end the relationship?

I am sure I freak them out a bit. At first, when I first transitioned, they were a bit wary. It was as if they thought I was so instable that the slightest thing might send me into an asylum.

They figured it out. I am still me. There are parts of me that kept hidden. There were masks that I had assumed. When we are together, we fall into old roles. Only now they realize that my role had always been daughter/sister.

They didn't have to change much and they had to change quite a bit.