Friday, July 22, 2005

Viking Amazons of the 19th century

Do you own your body? Is it yours? Are you proud of it?

Or do you try to hide from it?

I know that sounds awkward.

Let's say you are 6' 2" tall. That is quite statuesque.

Are you ashamed of your height? Do you hunch over and try to disguise it? Do you lurch, Quasimodo style, from bench to bench, so you never have to look at the tops of peoples heads and they never realize that your inner Amazon is actual your OUTER Amazon?

I'm guilty of trying to disguise my height from time to time. As a rule, I would prefer to look up to a man I am interested in (instead of giving him a free tour of my nostrils).

I wish I had my Grandmother around. Like me, she stood near the six foot level but she always carried herself with grace. She never seemed that tall, she just was.

I learned so much from her. She showed me her way of cooking (measuring? HA!). We had some of the most amazing talks.

There were things I needed to learn from her that she didn't know to tell me and I didn't think to ask.

She was the domineering Matriarch of the family. Our holidays were steeped in Norwegian custom. I learned bits of the Norwegian language just by hanging out with her.

I think of what she might say on this subject. (accent simulated)

"Don't vorry about your height. You're tall - be tall!"

"I vas not the tallest girl in town." (this is true, in Norway the Vikings apparently liked their women tall).

"You are as tall as me. So you tink I am too tall?" (the guilt/accusation technique is multi-cultural).

When girls go through that last growth streak, when they are suddenly taller than the boys, they go through the 'ashamed of their height' stage. I think it is normal.

In general I think the way to go is:

Own your height.
Be happy.
Don't store things on the bottom shelves.