Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Cutting Cheese in Elevators

I don't pass gas in public (pick your euphemism of choice)

I don't 'drop trou' in the middle of the street and urinate.

I don't belch in people's faces.

On a good day, I try not to wander down the street with a bloody axe saying 'Here kitty, kitty.'

I wear deodorant.

I tend to wear clothing while I am among...well....people.

I obey traffic laws (more or less, this IS California).

Okay, the big question....


We live in society. Human beings are social creatures and, if we are to be accepted by our society, we agree to certain behaviors. What happens to people who break these rules? Are they kicked out of society? As a rule, no. But life as a social being is simpler if you do (no matter how much you hate cats). If you break these rules enough, then you eventually end up in a different society - one that more closely fits your own set of rules.

Where do the rules come from? They evolve. They are taught by parents and peers. They are learned through experience.

Yes, I believe in assimilation to a certain extent but not through being 'fake'. My actions are my own, not pretense. I have changed my voice (duh, I do harp on that one) but that is more like 'not shouting in church'. I do what is appropriate to my social situation.

Are those who fit in another society BAD? Are they WRONG?

No, it's just different.