Monday, September 26, 2005

Diabolic Report

Unless it affects me I could really care less about how people live their lives.

Stealth, Out & Proud, Genderqueer, Republican, WHATEVER.

You live your lives and I will live mine. I will decide on how to live mine. This blog outlines some of my ideas, some of which I will follow and others that I won't.

If people want to learn from what I have done then great, this blog is successful. If not then I am sure you have moved on by now.

Please note that I have, mainly by my own choice, NOT lived my life in stealth. If you read my earlier posts then you will understand why.

I believe in being who I am - WHOEVER THAT IS.

Yes, I have trained my voice. I have found that the jarring difference between visual and audio perception of a person is distracting so I have chosen the route of vocal training.

No, I do not tell people of my 'function' up front. It is none of their business. If the situation calls for it, I will tell.

The point of the 'Halo Effect' post is that people rely strongly on their first impressions. You are not screwed if you don't 'get it right' when you first meet someone. But their initial perception of you is different. Specifically, I was thinking in the terms of pronouns. If someone perceives you as male when they first meet you, it takes effort for them to switch that to 'female'.

Peoples perception of you is strongly influenced by their expectations.

If you want to go by 'shim' or whatever. So be it. I don't care.

Do good.
Protect the weak.
Do what you need to do and try not to hurt others on the way.

By assimilating at all I am evil.

Because I don't wear my former genitalia on my sleeve (don't ask me the logistics of THAT - sounds disturbing), I am a liar.

I got it. I understand. Point made.

Good on you for that newsflash.