Wednesday, December 14, 2005

They all laughed at me

It shocked me.  It truly did.
I bared my soul and they laughed.  Twenty people in various states of laughter - all directed at me.
I haven't talked about drama too much this semester - I really don't know why.  Anyway, last night was our final.
We were assigned a simple audition introduction:
"Hi, my name is Anne Barlow.  I'll be doing a piece from 'Last of the Red Hot Lovers'.  I'll be playing Elaine."
[Insert monologue here]
"Thank you."
We had the option of actually doing monologues for extra credit.  We didn't really work on monologues this semester, we dealt with scenes and positive energy and 'knowing our instrument'.
There were about five other sections of the final as well.
Anyway, back to the monologue.  I didn't need to do one,  I didn't need extra credit.  I did two anyway.  The first was the aforementioned 'Last of the Red Hot Lovers'.  When I practiced it with my roommates, they laughed.  I didn't know if was an uncomfortable laugh (because why is Anne talking about sex and such things?).  And for good measure there was a nice alliterative tongue-twister right towards the end (savory swordfish succotash - (EEP)).
Still I was a little taken aback by the actually laughing.  This could really become addictive.
My second monologue was longer.  It starts out with some funny lines but delves quickly into some heart wrenching stuff.  It went pretty good too.
Dang it.  Do I really NEED another addiction (counting trying to be as geeky as possible as another)?
This must be what drugs are like.