Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Bumper Stickers

In order to be a good person, do I have to be an activist? Do I have to be out?

First, let's talk about what it is to be an activist. To me, an activist is someone who is working to activate a needed social action. There are a couple of flavors.

Protester - Hey, there is going to be a big crowd at City Hall. Let's go show our numbers.
Lobbyist - Can I have an appointment with the Senator?
Screamer - A version of the protester. This is an in-your-face type person. You feel passionate that you have done something.
Debater - Logical arguments to convince someone to change their opinion/action.
Participater - I'm running for City Council. We'll fix this mess up.

Do I have to give up my medical history to do these things? No, not really. But some places you will be outed by association. Some, you will be outed as part of the political process. Some, you will be outed just so they don't have to listen to your screaming anymore.

I hate to live my life by bumper stickers but....

"Think Globally, Act Locally."

Sometimes the best we can do is to convince the people around us. If enough of us do that, we can hit critical mass and change the world. I mean, if you can't convince the person who has known you for years, who can you convince?

Build allies.