Thursday, May 05, 2005

Sequence of Events

Some people have questioned my sequence of events (not many but the question is out there).

Without dates here is the sequence of my transition.

Prescribed Hormones
Facial Laser
Part Time
Job in Part Time
Full Time
Facial Surgery

Okay most of that is pretty generic but the part that people wonder about is:

Full Time
Facial Surgery

The basic argument is 'If you needed to do this so bad, why did you do the face before the nether-regions?'

Simple - Money. True, the face costs MORE than the downstairs work but I believe that patience pays off. I want a full life and to do that I needed to be able to get through the medical part of this journey and still have a life after.

So I did the face first. I recommend not doing facial surgery unless you are very, VERY sure. It's hard to reverse, for one. I was accepted pretty well before my facial surgery but I was not %100. If I wanted to keep my job, I firmly believed that I needed to make it easier on those who had power over me. And, for me, that meant blending in as well as I could.

My transition was not about about who I was sleeping with. I was more concerned with the day to day interactions with the people around me. After all, everyone saw my face but what was in my pants was my business.

I'm glad I did it the way I did. I would do it that way again if I had to.

Still, it's nice when EVERYTHING is done.