Monday, June 27, 2005

I didn't go

I didn't attend Pride this weekend.

I considered it - and dismissed it.

It isn't that I am not proud. I am proud of those who have fought for our rights. I am proud that people can declare themselves without shame. I am proud I live in a country where (for now) you can be who you are.

From the SF Pride website:

Typically, in the United States , Pride commemorates the 1969 Stonewall Riots
and celebrates the birth of the modern LGBT rights movement. Locally, the
mission of the San Francisco Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride
Celebration Committee is to educate the world, commemorate our heritage,
celebrate our culture, and liberate our people.

What is Pride, in practice?

It's a wild party - a celebration. But it seems to me that so much of it just aims at sex.

I know - duh. No kidding.

Condoms are distributed. There are demonstrations of S&M. Muscley men in banana-hammocks dance on the float.

More power to them. It is not my scene.

I'm quiet. I'll go out dancing, sure (not very well). I've gone in the past and I have supported my friends. I'll participate. I have fun.

The first Pride I went to was 2 years ago, in Hollywood. I was meeting a friend from online and it seemed like something that would be interesting. It was comical at times, the straight man standing in the crowd pointed out people on the floats 'See, that's a guy!' At the same time not even noticing who he was standing next to. I received beads from two people that day - a nice young woman was really friendly and a man who wanted to try to hide my cleavage.

It was a fun day.

SF Pride is a mass of humanity. It is crowded, sweaty, and everyone is really nice.

There were things to see there but not enough to beat the claustrophobia of the crowds.

I won't know the score of naked men to naked women this year (2 to 50 something last year).

It's a wild party. Guess I am just boring.

What is Pride?

To me we are commemorating the beginning of a rights movement. We are remembering those who sacrificed and fought to make people do what is right.

Of that I am Proud.