Friday, June 24, 2005

Think if it as an Ink Blot with Words

I've been thinking for a bit about what people's picture of me must be through this Blog.

You may notice that I do not give a lot of identifying information here. There aren't day to day aspects of my life for the most part. Sure, I mention some events: Drama Class, Falling Down the Stairs, my High School Reunion. But for the most part, the events of my life listed here are pretty generic.

But if you read this blog, you would get the impression that all I think about is my transition, right?

Transition is a very small part of my life. The events were world changing but I don't dwell there. The majority of people in my life are unaware that a transition even took place (believe it or not).

But my friends remain my friends, I will not abandon them. I have not slipped completely into the background and gone 'stealth'.

There are a couple reasons for that. One, is my job. I am currently working on a team that is influencing company policy that, if it works, will be beneficial to thousands of transitioners over the next few years.

I believe in making things easier for the next generation. I have been thrust into a political position and I am doing everything possible to help out the next group.

Because of this, a handful of people have to know my background. I am willing to make that sacrifice for now.

The other is my 'lessons learned'. I put a lot of planning and research into my transition. It paid off and things have gone remarkably well. I want to share what I have learned with the next group - maybe I can help make things easier for them. I am using this blog as a purging mechanism, I can get the lessons out there then I won't have to worry about making sure I told someone.

Someday, when my mission at work is accomplished and everything transition related has been said - I will cease entering things here - mission accomplished.

Until then I will ramble on with the subjects that I don't talk about in my day to day life here.