Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Heinlein Meme

Got this from Gwen Smith's blog

Somebody finally turned a piece of Heinlein into a meme-ish sorta thing. I'd considered doing a 'blog entry some time back on this, but never felt it was worthwhile. So now, I'll just steal what someone else did, and give my own darned answers.

Bold the ones you know you can do because you've done them, italicize the ones you think you could do with a reasonable amount of competence.

According to Robert A. Heinlein, a human being should be able to:

change a diaper
plan an invasion
butcher a hog
conn a ship
design a building
write a sonnet
balance accounts
build a wall
set a bone
comfort the dying
take orders
give orders
act alone
solve equations
analyze a new problem
pitch manure
program a computer
cook a tasty meal
fight efficiently
die gallantly

So, to be efficient, I need to write a sonnet about a bone I set in a building I designed.  After which I will die somehow - gallantly.