Monday, June 20, 2005

Borg - the Musical

Why do I want to assimilate?

Am I really trying that hard to assimilate?

What does it mean to assimilate?

Why do I want to assimilate?

I don't worry about discrimination all that much. I live in a good area, people tend to treat transitioners relatively well.

I am not TOO worried about violence.

Still, I play it safe the same as any other woman.

I am not worried about a lack of friends. Definitely NOT a problem. The problem is having time for all of them.

I want to belong.

I want to get past that initial social barrier that always exists when people know.

I want to date.


What? What was that?

The transitioner is considered a running joke "Dude, that was a DUDE!". There is a stigma attached to it with most men. Why in the world would you want to do THAT?

If assimilating to a degree can get me past that initial portion of a relationship, so we can deal with issues more maturely, than I am for that.

Many who are against assimilation ALREADY HAVE SOMEONE IN THEIR LIFE. Something has to be said for that.

Am I really trying that hard to assimilate?

No. Not really.

Yes, I worked on my voice but I hardly think about it anymore (unless it is gone).

I still have friends that have transitioned (at all stages).

I have not gone into hiding.

My mannerisms are not 'affected'.

I do not announce my past to any. I reveal it to some – rarely.

What does it mean to assimilate?

It is not being homogenous.

It is not being a clone.

It is not living a caricature of a life.

Assimilation is when I can live my life as I want to (not as I feel I HAVE to).

I can interact with people. Have friends/enemies/whatevers and my biological past is not an issue. My function is known only to me – for me to reveal or not to reveal.

Assimilation allows possibilities that were denied me prior to transition.

Is assimilation lying?

I don't think so. Well...maybe some of it is.

Lies of omission? Sure.

Do I swap pronouns of my history? Yes.

Do I not use ALL of my voice? Absolutely.

But, is not using all of your voice lying? Isn't that merely censoring?

Are there words you shouldn't use around children? Is that lying?

There are tones you should not take with your employer? Isn't that just tact?

So, is refraining from using the portion of my vocal range that people would find disturbing considered lying? The incongruity of using that vocal range with my current appearance is so distinct that it would alter the persons picture of me forever. I don't think it is wrong to do it. I don't think it is lying.

Knowing that I can do something that would disturb people and not doing it is not lying, it is a form of tact.

In my opinion anyway.