Tuesday, June 07, 2005

...will get you a cup of coffee

What could I have purchased with the money I spent on transition?

Let's just deal with some basic physical items. I ballparked the figures:

FFS - $20,000
SRS - $17,000
Labiaplasty - $4,000
Laser - $6,000
Hormones - $3,000 (completely guessing on that one)
Shrink - $3,000

So, basically, about 43 grand.

That equals:

A really nice car (or two average ones)
Downpayment on a house.
TONS of ice cream.
A small business.
A college education (by today's standards - I already have a degree)
Corner the market on Ho-Ho's.
Half a ticket into space (does that mean they have to leave me there?)

Sure, I could have those things but I think what I got is better.