Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Going with your strengths

Do you deserve happiness? Do I?

Is there some kind of karma scale that determines our alloted amount?

Or do you cheat and weigh down the 'unhappy' side so you won't have to deal with contentment?
Hi, I'm Anne and I am addicted to whining. It's a skill. I am good at it.

I think one reason my romantic relationships don't get beyond the superficial levels is the fact that I don't want to burden someone with my history.

Is my history a burden? Does it make me unfit for a long term relationship?

I don't think so.

The burdens:
Can't have kids.
Try and explain the history to the family.
If you don't explain it, how do you react to it getting out?
Amazonian Stature.
Not a good dancer.
My looks don't scare children.

But on the positive side:
Amazonian Stature.
Can build a computer from scratch in a very short time.
Amusing stories.
My looks don't scare children.

I have to figure out why I keep submarining my own happiness. There really isn't a good reason for it.

I need to just STOP IT.