Friday, February 04, 2005

'Dude' is not an insult

"Here is your food. You guys want anything else?"

Ordinarily this would be an innocuous phrase - even to groups of Natal Women. Guys is equivalent to y'all or just a generic term for a group of people.

Not so if the group contains a MTF who has been bloodied in the Pronoun Wars.

"We are not GUYS. We are women. Can't you see that?"

An innocent friendly remark is interpreted as an attack on the customers gender.

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"Dude, are you sure?"

The speaker here is calling you:

1. A person on a Dude ranch.

2. A male.

3. Nothing, they are just referring to you.

The answer is probably 3.

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So, how to respond to this? You can jump up and down and proclaim your womanhood. This, in turn, brings extra attention on yourself and makes you look like a flake. If they hadn't misgendered you before then they will probably do it now.

The thing is, the generic pronouns in American English are male. Remember, it makes them look like an idiot when they get it wrong.

If you make a stink, then you bring them to hyper sensitivity. Then they do the awkward dropping of gendering alltogether.

"Do you people want anything else?"

The result is overly formal and it just sounds plain weird.

I know, I know. This doesn't always hold true. There are the accusatory uses as well.

"That's a GUY!"

"Are you a dude?"

Deal with these as you will.

But sometimes the best reaction is not to react.