Friday, February 25, 2005

Questions I no longer answer

"Is so-and-so TS?"

People assume we all know each other. We don't.

I know it is a wonderful subject to talk about but people ask yourself this....


Are you going to marry/date/sleep with this person? Does the configuration of their genitalia at any time in their life have any effect whatsoever on your life?

If you say 'of course' then ask yourself if it matters about your boss? You Doctor? The postal worker. What about all those people that you deal with regularly that probably are NOT TS?

Why would I answer this question? Why would I intentionally out someone?

How the heck do you answer the question without it appearing like an answer in the affirmative?

Straightforward answers have a ring of 'No Comment' confirmation.

Usually I joke and change the subject if they ask this about anyone.

"I never asked."

"I suppose I could have her drop her pants and I could look for the Dr.'s initials. But she may be offended. It could take a minute - do you have a speculum in your purse?"

"Funny, she asked the same about you."

"She's not in the TS phonebook."

"Well, I didn't recruit her?"