Friday, March 04, 2005

Amazons, Sticks, and Titanium Wire

I am not svelte.

I am not skinny.

I am not an ectomorph.

I am not a waif.

I am not (by any stretch of the imagination) petite.

I am tall, but not outrageously so. (Amazon quotient = 8.5)

I have some extra pounds.

I do have curves.

I don't deny my age but I don't look my age.

The only man-made materials attached to my body is titanium wire and medical bondo.

My voice has range that I don't use.

My hair is my own. It is red(ish)(1) and reaches to the middle of my back.

I get along all right. Mothers don't protect their children from me. Teenage girls seem to assume I am just someones Mom. Maybe I am wrong on that but what does it matter?

When I walk in a crowd and people stare at me I still wonder if they are seeing my past or if I look really good or maybe if there is a piece of food on my breast(2).

I still have to remind myself I can only judge people on how they act not on how they think.

Random thoughts:

No one thinks of themself as a villain.

Not everything is about me(3) .

Can anyone really know anything? All people really can do is make assumptions based on evidence (observation, testimony, kirlian photography, the force). If enough clues pile up then the educated guesses just get more reliable.

The grass is greener. If you have straight hair - curls. The curly haired - straight. Short women envy the tall.

(1) Not the factory installed color.
(2) Common term for breasts in my family and with my roommates is 'food catchers'. My mother laughed hysterically when she first saw it happen to me.
(3) See - The Anne Barlow Centric World (How have you dealt with Anne today?)