Sleep is a crutch.
Sleep when you die.
Sleep is for the weak.
Sleeping is cheating.
No Nap!
It's fun at parties!
I went to a pub with a friend to see a band. She has been gushing about them for weeks and finally we found a time where we both could go. So, we trekked to the wilderness of San Jose - my friend, her brother, and me.
"Is so-and-so TS?"
Here is something I noticed. I am not sure that people who haven't transitioned can see this or not but I thought it was interesting.
Last night was drama class...again. For once, the instructor had a few assignments due. So, of course, a good portion of the class didn't show. That left the rest of us with a little more personal attention.
When you were little, did your folks give you a childish nickname?
I'm single, divorced, and I am not spending a romantic evening with someone.
The ability to let your past fade away is at an end. As database systems get more and more pervasive the ability to change your identification gets harder and harder.
So if I am all fired up about getting out of the TS community then why do I still have TS friends?
I have built this world around me. It is fairly comfortable and I like it. One of the foundations of this world is the fact that I control who knows my 'function' and who doesn't. Sure there are leaks now and then (it is just too juicy not to tell). But for the most part, I am in control.
The Cinderella Syndrome.
I am revisiting the idea of why I am writing in this blog.
This is nowhere near as comprehensive as what Andrea has on TSRoadmap. I have seen people do this well, I have seen them trip all over themselves. Here are my basic tips.
Build a checklist. This is a series of goals that you will accomplish along your journey. Each step should be sequential. Go ahead and put a date on each goal but don't hold yourself to it. Some things happen faster than you expect and some slower.
Here are some of my goals (done in stages).
Goal - Part Time.
If I accomplish a level of success on these then I move on to next goal.
So, I bought every voice lesson media that I could. I took a lesson from a local voice coach. I decided that I could get away without a full wig but I needed a fall.
Laser worked really well for me. Facial hair was not a problem.
Goal - Full Time.
I did a few things. I saved money and made some more by getting a part time job where they only knew my new self. I wasn't stealth there but I got lots of socialization. Those people are my friends to this day. This in turn helped my voice.
I spoke with HR only. The idea of my transitioning is too big of news for anyone to keep quiet for long. I planned on a last minute spring it on them approach.
Stealth. I decided on FFS. That would enable those at work to accept me easier
Timing was everything. I had FFS planned so I told everyone about a week prior to the actual surgery. That way they could see I wasn't a drag queen and hopefully I wouldn't be too much of an embarrassment.
(On a side note, my voice really clicked about three weeks after Full-time)
I don't know if this is helping people (heck, I don't even know if people are reading this except those who post comments).
I can go on with this if people want otherwise it is back to your regularly scheduled program.
You say you want to transition?
I met my new Primary Physician today. My old physician moved to a different facility so I had to choose a new one. Rather than take the GLBT referral, I just called and asked for a woman Doctor.
A friend and I went to an event this weekend, sponsored by a local radio station.
It is always interesting to watch people in a large group divide by personality. Without much variation personality and the role in the group correlate pretty well.
"Here is your food. You guys want anything else?"
"Should I transition?"
Well, I survived Drama...again. Actually, some of it is pretty fun. For some reason the teacher picks me for a lot of participation (maybe because I am the closest to his age). It is hard not to be self-conscious but I am getting there.
Last week in Drama class...
I don't know what impression I have given to people.
My worlds are colliding a bit and I don't like it. (A 'bit'? If two planets collide a 'bit' then it is not a big deal?).